I'm such a bum.
11:54 AM | Author: Neue
I should be doing something right now, like sleeping, but here I am bringing you more pretty, pretty pictures.





Lazy... No infos for You!
I approve v.0001
6:59 PM | Author: Neue
"I approve". Yes, I'll say that's a decidedly vast improvement over the title that, hence fourth, shall not be named ever again.

Now then, on with the first installment of my weekly celebration of things I bestow my all holy blessings upon.

Let us pray.

First up, further proof that I need a girlfriend OH so desperately: A Rei Ayanami Cosplay Model!!!




Why do I approve: Its simple, really. Rei is sexy, but this model is sexier. Indeed folks, skin trumps ink any day of the week.

Praise be!

Next up, something I honestly never expected to come across: A figure/Design that, while fiddling with the original character art, managed to avoid passing into the land of fanboy riots.


Yes, that's Yoko Littner, of Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann fame, and beloved by BBW lovers the world over. Now, being one of the single greatest and most entertaining shows I have ever seen, I can assure you my bias was in the right place.

So, why do I approve? Well, not only is this an attractive alternate art style, but the original outfit(what little there is...) is fully intact, right down to the massive zippers on her boots. Artist integrity? Nah, I'm sure its was merely a fluke.

Glory, glory!

Next, comes... Lilith dinnerware?


Why do I approve? Well, if you can find me an easier way to weird out and disturb my guests that does NOT include me attempting to explain the artistic merit of dismemberment and arterial spray...


OK! Successful first posting of I APPROVE. I hope you enjoyed, whoever you are. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go watch Ninja Scroll.
Its 9:12, and my head is in the clouds.
7:12 PM | Author: Neue
Don't worry, I have at least one foot on the ground.

I really didn't think of searching about for more fodder to fill the NO files, so instead I'll be bringing the first installment of the YES files to your LCD's tomorrow.

Damn it, I need to do away with that name... Ugh...

Until Tuesday, here's shanzy AMV for your viewing pleasure. To date, this is the single best usage of footage from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya I have seen to date.

It took home the award for Best Character Profile at AWA Expo 2006, as well as Best Character Profile and Best No-Effects Video at AMV.org's Viewer's Choice Awards 2007.

All credit goes to the original creator Silvermoon377.

Watch in High Quality!

Yes, yes. Here are a few pretty pics to was away that awful after taste! Enjoy!




Ah, yes, much better.
NO Files, part two.
6:13 PM | Author: Neue
Eh, what was I thinking when I named this bloody thing...

Ok, I'm afraid EVA merch' is still in my cross hairs this time around, and not without good reason.

First up is a new and wholly detestable Rei figure featuring, and I kid you not, "soft touch" breasts.


Yes, now figures of scantly clad fourteen year old's can actually be fondled. .

I don't know whats worse; the fact that the figure(s) were clearly designed, not to serve as eye pleasing pieces of collectible pop art, but as a soft core sex toy. Or that they will find a following for precisely that reason.

Next, comes perhaps the single most disturbing, utterly disgusting, and completely shameless trend to surface from the Anime fandom in all my years of experiance: "Lolis"

I'm not sure when people started to accept pedophilia as a niche in the Anime/Manga market, buts its happening right now. And lets not kid ourselves here, when a character actually looks like a ten year old, it IS pedophilia. Regardless of what the shameless artist/author may insinuate.(I'm looking at you Toradora)

I'm not even sure why the term "loli" is used. Sure, it has it roots in the classic novel by Vladimir Nabokov, but clearly those that use the term havent any idea as to the contents of said novel. Most seem to think it merely refeers to an under age girl who happens to be "attractive".

No, it does not. It refers to a sexualy forward UNDER AGE girl.

Heres the bloody figure, one of many floating about online stores. I feel sick just looking at it, so I shall say no more.


Alright, thats enough for this week. Expect more next Monday. Oh, Scott, if your reading this, thanks for the words of praise!
Elfen Lied is awful
The 'NO' files. Part one.
3:33 PM | Author: Neue
Welcome back. Today I roll out my weekly blog column: The NO Files. Wherein I will be ranting on, if not limited to, Otaku Culture. From creepy dating sims to pointless merchandise, I shall skewer it without mercy and with extreme prejudice. Also appearing in short order will be The YES files, which as you may have guess, will be the exact opposite of The NO files.

For my first item of silliness, I must mention that I am a long time Neon Genesis Evangelion fan. Coming straight off off the likes of DBZ, Gundam Wing, and Outlaw Star, Evangelion was a truly eye opening experiance. Further, seeing as I was about 15 at the time, I like countless other fell head over heels in fanboy love with the now iconic main character; Rei Ayanami, and I would be lying if I said that fanaticism had died off completely.

So, when I see something like this:


I get bloody aggravated. Clearly targeted at the sub section of the EVA/Rei fandom that simply MUST buy every single piece of Rei merchandise released. Really now, what a complete insult to the creative minds behind this character. From cold and aloof bio mechanical robot pilot, to a mermaid brandishing a sea shell ocarina.

Hell, I'm sure there exists a mermaid fetish, and if its to flourish anywhere, it will flourish In Japan.

Continuing on with the Rei theme, I came across this hideous figure.


Now, Rei IS a sex symbol. I have no problem with that (her personality isn't exactly winning). So I'm very much accustomed to seeing the character depicted as being very much in need of a chastity belt.

This figure however, somehow manages to not only does away with the original character designs sex appeal, but also succeeds in being one of the single most tacky, unattractive, tasteless figures I have ever seen. I mean really, removable translucent plates? Translucent hair?!?! I should also point out that her facial features are less than well detailed.


Well, thats it for part one. Return next Monday for more... If you can stomache it.
Am I changing? Am I still me? Am I suffering from some undiagnosable, seemingly impossible disease, disorder or perhaps dementia, or am I simply lost in my own head?

I would love to spew out something dismissive, an all encompassing "fuck it" to get my off the hook so that I don't feel I have to write this, while at the same time empowering me in my attempt to leave these worrying ways behind me.

But that just wont do. As much as I would like to walk about the town I never walk about, basking in the glow of a mind at peace, I'm just not there, and I'm scared to death. More terrorfied than I have ever been in my life.

The problem with what my problem is, is that it seems to defy all manner of analysis, all manner of diagnostic procedures. If my mind is being fiddled with by some odd disorder, stemming from my spine/neck, then what the bloody hell do I do about it? After a slew of X-Rays, MRI scans, and PET scans, not to mention over a dozen strictly hands on examinations by doctors and neurologists there is simply nothing that stands out as being even remotely amiss.

I have little faith in the medical establishment, and perhaps that's not fair in its own right, but after all these years, something this sever should have been stumbled upon, at least once. Perhaps that's naive. Perhaps there really is something wrong, and they just can't see it. But if that's the case, I'm still stuck where I am. That means I'm helpless, and I don;t much care for that idea.

I want to believe that all of this is just temporary. That my fears will be laid to rest soon, very soon. Soooooooooon.

I used to say that, allot, seven years ago, when things starting being turned upside down. It didn't help.

Actually, there quite a few things I don't say anymore, and it just occurred to me, that this list is longer than I assumed it was. I don't say "I'm lonely". I don't say "best friend" , I don't say "glorious" or " soul" anymore. I refrain from saying things like "longing" or "holding out", I certainly don't call myself a "warrior", anymore. Words like "destiny", "truth", and "deserved" don't have much time on my lips any longer. Of course, then there's "hope", which I actually make a concerted effort to refrain from saying, ever.

And "Savior".

In some cases, these are wonderful steps in the right direction, steps I perhaps should take pride in, but I can;t seem to be happy over the simple fact that I'm maturing. After all, I'm twenty three, and this should have happened years ago. Sure, I know why it failed to, but none the less I just can't be happy with it.

But in others, they merely constitute necessary evils. Steps I have taken in order to ensure I can get through the day with as much joy and fulfillment as possible. Yet, others have simply ceased to be due to the fact that I no longer find the context to use them.

I have always been so very proud of what my mind can do, of the sort of person I am. But now I find myself trying my best to ignore those old sentiments. They just hurt too much. Dwelling does me no good, and I have a nasty habit of doing just that.

So, I try not to think about it, I try not to dwell.

But if my mind is broken, then what can I do? Its a practical question, one I am asking myself as of late. Everything is harder now, even that which once came so naturally to me. So how do I hold a conversation now, how do I enjoy my hobbies now, how do I go about pursuing my dreams or earning money to live on? ect. ect.

While I have half answers for some of these many questions, none of them seem sensible, or realistic.

I feel so lost. I've never felt lost. Its almost liberating, in a way. I have come to realize just how dependent I have been on a feeling of false security. Its shameful.

I feel ashamed. At least I think I do, or maybe I just believe I should, in any case, its new for me.

I'm not grateful for half of what I should be, and I scorn less than half of what I should. I'm really not sure what I'm doing here, heh.

So, I'll just keep trying to do something, anything. I'll keep trying to make something work, though I should try harder.

Maybe I'm afraid of succeeding as well, I don't know. Maybe I'll put that in the title box, floating about up there.

Oh, right, a pretty picture.

Osamu Ichikawa, Rest in peace.
11:19 AM | Author: Neue
Osamu Ichikawa, veteran Japanese Voice Actor, passed away on January 2.

Osamu voiced many characters over his 40+ year career, most notably prominent roles in Giant robot classics, such as Brave Raiden, Super Electromagnetic Robo Combattler V, and Super Dimension Fortress Macross.

On top of his wealth of voice acting roles in both animated and live action film and TV, he also worked as both an Animator and a sound recorder. Most notably working as a key animator on the beloved classic tv series: Kimagure Orange Road.

However, in recent American Fandom, he is best remembered as the voice of Norris Packard, a fan favorite character from the popular OVA series Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th M.S. Team.

On a more personal note, being a long time fan of Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th M.S. Team, this news has saddened me. Norris Packard was truly a larger than life character, due in no small part to Ichikawa's performance, and I have no doubt that said performance is a powerful contributor as to why I hold the design of his Norris's Mobile Suit, the MS-07B3 Gouf Custom, in such high regard.

Further, it seems Ichikawa worked as a recorder on Twilight of the Dark Master, one of my favorite films.

His presence and contribution to the medium is not to be understated, and I hope all those passionate about the medium will remember him and his work.

A picture of Norris Packard, drawn by a fan in honor of Osamu Ichikawa.