NO Files, part two.
6:13 PM | Author: Neue
Eh, what was I thinking when I named this bloody thing...

Ok, I'm afraid EVA merch' is still in my cross hairs this time around, and not without good reason.

First up is a new and wholly detestable Rei figure featuring, and I kid you not, "soft touch" breasts.


Yes, now figures of scantly clad fourteen year old's can actually be fondled. .

I don't know whats worse; the fact that the figure(s) were clearly designed, not to serve as eye pleasing pieces of collectible pop art, but as a soft core sex toy. Or that they will find a following for precisely that reason.

Next, comes perhaps the single most disturbing, utterly disgusting, and completely shameless trend to surface from the Anime fandom in all my years of experiance: "Lolis"

I'm not sure when people started to accept pedophilia as a niche in the Anime/Manga market, buts its happening right now. And lets not kid ourselves here, when a character actually looks like a ten year old, it IS pedophilia. Regardless of what the shameless artist/author may insinuate.(I'm looking at you Toradora)

I'm not even sure why the term "loli" is used. Sure, it has it roots in the classic novel by Vladimir Nabokov, but clearly those that use the term havent any idea as to the contents of said novel. Most seem to think it merely refeers to an under age girl who happens to be "attractive".

No, it does not. It refers to a sexualy forward UNDER AGE girl.

Heres the bloody figure, one of many floating about online stores. I feel sick just looking at it, so I shall say no more.


Alright, thats enough for this week. Expect more next Monday. Oh, Scott, if your reading this, thanks for the words of praise!
Elfen Lied is awful
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